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D. Kuniko x Mingles Saphire

Ctsm. Jumbo Apollo

D. Mild Yumi Lotus

Bulbo. Wilbur Chang 'Genesis'

One. Golden Sun x Sibling

Dendrochilum cobbianum 'Callyn' ACC

C. Snow Blind 'Kenny'

Promenae in full flight

D. Dal's Maree x Dal's Autumn

Bulbo. Wilbur Chang 'Elermore' HCC

Stanhopea in full flight

C. Pee Wee x Suave 'Genesis'

Dendro. magnum 'Darren' HCC-ACC/AOC

Col. Wildcatt 'Bloodshot'

C. Tennis

Wils. Hilda Plumtree 'Purple Wings'

D. Kuniko 'Grahame' AM

C. Dr. Len. 'Dusky Imp'

C. Dr. Len. 'Dusky Imp'

C. bicolor 'Hunter Stripe'
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