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D. Tweetas 'Violet Lip' AM-ACM

Dendrobium. Tweetas ‘Violet Lip’


Dendrobium. Tweetas ‘Violet Lip’ is D. Tweetie ‘Huge’ x D. striolatum ‘Tassie Gold’ (var. Chrysantha) and was bred by the late Brian Gerhard formerly of Down Under Native Orchids. D. Tweetie is D. fuliginosum x D. convolutum, making this plant only a second generation hybrid.


This plant would have been de-flasked in around 2006 by Brian himself, making ‘Violet Lip’ around 10 years old. We obtained the plant as part of the Down Under collection in early 2015 and since then it has grown astronomically and therefore produced a spectacular display of flowers this year. This plant won Grand Champion at the Wyong Springtime Orchid show and now has been awarded by the AOC and ANOS.


Dendrobium. Tweetas ‘Violet Lip’ in what we call our ‘tunnel house’, which receives high light throughout most of the day; the area is covered by what is now most likely 50% black shadecloth. Watering occurs once a week during winter (depending on rainfall) and 2-3 times a week during the summer months. In the nursery we use two main fertilisers; GF9 and EX7, these are very similar to Campbell’s Blue and Yellow. This plant is grown in 80% number 3 Kiwi Orchid Bark which is available from the club and 20% river gravel.

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