Growing Dendrobium section Rhizobium
Growing Dendrobiumsection Rhizobium Once a seed pod is formed, the seed is sown, the seed germinates, the mother flask is replated, the...

The Influence of Dendrobium speciosum In Hybridisation
The Influence of Dendrobium speciosumin Hybridisation Dendrobium speciosumhas a wide and long distribution along the east coast of...

Growing Dendrobium bigibbumand its hybrids in New South Wales
Callyn Farrell dunoau@gmail.com Dendrobium biggibum can be moderately challenging to grow in the southern states of Australia. If you had...

Awards For 2018
D. Tweetas 'Curly Gold' AM/AOC D. Grey Ghost 'Tumbi' AM/AOC D. bigibbum 'Liam' HCC/ANOS-AOC D. bigibbum 'Venus' AM/AOC HCC/ANOS